Since we already have SVD, do we need URV factorization?
The SVD factorization is a special case of the URV factorization that has many great properties. The latter decomposes a matrix $A_{m\times n}$ as $$A=URV^T,$$ where $U=(U_1|U_2)$ is an orthonormal matrix such that $U_1$ is a basis for $R(A)$, $U_2$ is a basis for $N(A^T)$; and $V=(V_1|V_2)$ is another orthonormal matrix such that $V_1$ is a basis for $R(A^T)$ and $V_2$ is a basis for $N(A)$. Suppose that the rank of $A$ is $r$, in which case $U_1$ has $r$ columns…